
Get Rid of Writer’s Block: 9 AI Prompts Come to Your Rescue

The dishes piled high, laundry beckoned my attention, and my side view saw my kids bouncing off the walls… but that cursor stayed where it was. It blinked mockingly on the blank document. As a working mom who writes for a living got struck by writer’s block again!

I was zoned out, again.

Even if I slid into the loop of ‘flow’ state, my daughter’s potty alarm snipped my chain of thought. I became prey to unpredictable interruptions. The fragmented schedules also added up to my exhaustion and mental fatigue.

Before a voice in my head told me, “Something isn’t right., a part of me that gets drawn to perfectionism killed any opportunity of creativity. Isolation and lack of inspiration drowned me self doubt and guilt.

That was the end of story. No hammer could break the writer’s block.

If you thought that was a great introduction to Writer’s Block, HOLD ON.

The PROMPT that I used was.

Write a relatable introduction for a blog post about a working mom writer struggling with writer’s block. Use vivid imagery and personal anecdotes to capture the feeling of being stuck. Briefly mention the challenges faced, like fragmented schedules and exhaustion, but don’t delve too deep into solutions yet. End with a hook that piques the reader’s interest in how to overcome this block with the use of prompts created for AI writing tools.

Persona | Task | Context | Format

Let me share 3 drafts that were generated by Gemini Google.

Over time, I started using Google’s Gemini and many other hyper-focused #AIwriting tools to break a writer’s curse. I used prompts to create trained contexts and hence generate those drafts above. Join the upcoming working sessions which demonstrates it in detail.

Writer’s Block occurs due to any of these 3 reasons:

  1. Lack of inspiration or ideas
  2. Lack of familiarity or structural perspective
  3. Mental Fatigue

You can combine prompts with existing inputs to overcome those challenges by using #AIwriting tools for:

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Outline creation and
  3. Improvisation

3 Powerful Idea-Generating Prompts for Brainstorming

Don't be alarmed by the length of the PROMPTS mentioned below. Every Prompt requires unique "INPUT VARIABLES". Add specific inputs that are unique to your context.

1. Audience Insight + Unexpected Twist:

  • Prompt: Imagine your ideal customer [Insert Demographic (e.g., busy mom, tech enthusiast)] is facing a surprising challenge related to [Brand’s Industry]. How can your brand provide a unique solution that not only addresses [mention the challenge] but also [Insert Unexpected Benefit (e.g., sparks joy, saves time)]?

Why it’s powerful:

  • Tailored Content: Focusing on a specific audience demographic personalizes the content.
  • Problem-Solution: Identifies a problem your brand can solve, making it relevant.
  • Unexpected Benefit: Adds an interesting twist, grabbing attention and showcasing value beyond the obvious.

Input Variables:

  • Demographic: Age, occupation, interests, etc. of the target audience.
  • Brand’s Industry: What kind of product or service does the brand offer?
  • Unexpected Benefit: Think outside the box! Consider emotional benefits, time-saving advantages, or unique experiences.
  • Prompt: A recent trend in [Industry] is [Insert Trend]. How can your brand leverage this trend by showcasing its USP, [Insert USP], to create valuable content that resonates with your audience and positions you as an industry leader?

Why it’s powerful:

  • Trend Awareness: Demonstrates knowledge of current industry happenings.
  • USP Integration: Highlights the brand’s unique differentiator.
  • Content Value: Creates content that educates, entertains, or inspires the audience.

Input Variables:

  • Industry: The brand’s area of operation (e.g., fitness, technology).
  • Trend: A current event or development in the industry.
  • USP: What sets the brand apart from competitors? (e.g., sustainability, innovative features).

3. Customer Pain Points + Brand Story:

  • Prompt: What are some of the biggest frustrations your target audience experiences related to [Brand’s Industry]? How can you craft a compelling story that showcases how your brand overcame similar challenges or helped others overcome them, demonstrating its value and expertise?

Why it’s powerful:

  • Empathy & Relevance: Shows understanding of customer concerns.
  • Brand Storytelling: Connects with the audience on an emotional level.
  • Value Proof: Demonstrates the brand’s effectiveness through a relatable story.

Input Variables:

  • Brand’s Industry: The type of product or service the brand offers.
  • Customer Pain Points: Common problems or frustrations faced by the target audience.
  • Brand Story: A past challenge the brand overcame or a customer success story highlighting its impact.

Remember, the more details you provide when filling in these prompts, the richer and more targeted your content ideas will be for any brand you encounter.

Nischala Agnihotri

3 Outline Creation Prompts for Diverse Content Formats:

Here are three prompts to help you create outlines for various content formats, catering to different brand content needs:

1. Ultimate Guide (Blog Post/Ebook):

  • Prompt: Develop an outline for a comprehensive guide titled “[Title Suggestion]: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering [Skill] for [Target Audience]”.
    • Include at least 5 sections with subheadings for each, covering the following elements:
      • Introduction: Define the skill and its importance.
      • The Breakdown: Break down the skill into manageable steps or components.
      • Common Challenges & Solutions: Discuss typical roadblocks faced and offer actionable solutions.
      • Advanced Techniques (Optional): For a more comprehensive guide, add a section with advanced techniques to elevate reader mastery.
      • Conclusion: Recap key takeaways and provide resources for further exploration.

Why it’s powerful:

  • Versatility: Adaptable to various skills and target audiences.
  • Depth & Structure: Provides a logical flow for in-depth content.
  • Actionable: Offers practical solutions and resources, making it valuable.

Input Variables:

  • Skill: The specific skill or topic the content will address.
  • Target Audience: Who is the guide intended for (beginners, entrepreneurs, etc.)?

2. Product Comparison Guide (Blog Post/Video Script):

  • Prompt: Craft an outline for a product comparison video/blog post titled: “[Brand Name] vs. [Competitor Name]: A Comprehensive Breakdown for [Target Audience]”. Provide a table to organize the information and showcase the difference.
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce both products, their intended audience, and the comparison structure.
    • Key Features: Compare and contrast essential features offered by each product, highlighting strengths and weaknesses.
    • Pricing & Value: Analyze pricing models, subscription options, and overall value proposition of each product.
    • Target Use Cases: Discuss who might benefit more from each product based on specific needs and usage scenarios.
    • Pros and Cons Summary: Present a concise overview of each product’s key advantages and disadvantages.
    • Conclusion: Offer a balanced recommendation based on target audience needs and priorities.

Why it’s powerful:

  • Empowers Decision-Making: Helps viewers/readers understand which product best suits their needs by providing a balanced comparison.
  • Transparent Analysis: Offers unbiased evaluations of both products with clear breakdowns of features and pricing.
  • Audience Focus: Tailored towards the specific needs and preferences of the target audience.

Input Variables:

  • Brand Name: The brand whose product you’re comparing.
  • Competitor Name: The competitor’s product you’re comparing against.
  • Target Audience: Who are you targeting with this comparison (e.g., gamers, graphic designers)?

3A. Case Study Outline (Blog Post/Website Content):

  • Prompt: Develop an outline for a customer success story titled: “[Client Name]’s Success with [Brand Name]: How We Helped Them Achieve [Positive Outcome]”.
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the client, their industry, and the challenges they faced before using your brand’s product/service.
    • The Challenge: Describe the specific challenges the client encountered and how they impacted their business.
    • Implementing [Brand Name]: Explain how your brand’s product/service offered a solution and the steps taken to integrate it.
    • Measurable Results: Showcase quantifiable data and success metrics demonstrating the positive impact achieved by the client.
    • Client Testimonial: Include a quote or short video clip from the client expressing their satisfaction and the value obtained.
    • Conclusion: Briefly summarize the key takeaways and the transformative role your brand played in the client’s success.

Why it’s powerful:

  • Social Proof: Demonstrates the effectiveness of your brand through a real-world client success story.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Uses quantifiable results to build trust and credibility.
  • Customer Voice: Leverages a client testimonial to create a more relatable and impactful story.

Input Variables:

  • Client Name: The brand’s satisfied customer whose success story will be showcased.
  • Positive Outcome: The specific, measurable achievement the client attained with your brand’s help (e.g., increased sales, improved customer satisfaction).

Another option is:

3B. Customer Journey Case Study Outline:

  • Prompt: Develop an outline for a case study titled “[Title Suggestion]: How [Brand Name] Helped [Client Name] Achieve [Client Success Story]”. Structure the outline using these sections with subheadings:
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the brand and its offerings.
    • The Client’s Challenge: Describe the specific problem or challenge the client faced.
    • The Brand’s Solution: Explain how the brand’s product or service addressed the client’s challenge.
    • Results & Impact: Quantify the positive outcomes achieved by the client through specific metrics.
    • Client Testimonial (Optional): Include a quote from the client expressing satisfaction.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways and the brand’s value proposition.

Why it’s powerful:

  • Storytelling Approach: Makes the content engaging and relatable.
  • Social Proof: Demonstrates the brand’s impact through a real-life example.
  • Metrics-Driven: Quantifies success for a persuasive approach.

Input Variables:

  • Brand Name: The company offering the product or service.
  • Client Name: The company or individual who benefitted from the brand’s offering.
  • Client Success Story: The specific positive outcome the client achieved.

Remember, these prompts are frameworks. Adapt them to your specific needs and the brand’s goals for the best content creation results.

3 Content Improvisation Prompts for On-the-Spot Creativity:

These prompts are designed to spark quick content ideas for any brand, even with limited information. Here’s why they work and what details you’ll need to fill them in:

1. Brand in the Spotlight + Unexpected Scenario:

  • Prompt: Your client, [Brand Name], is known for [Brand USP]. Imagine they’re thrust into a completely unexpected scenario like [Insert Unexpected Scenario (e.g., hosting a cooking competition, stranded on a desert island)]. How would they use their expertise and products to adapt and thrive?

Why it’s powerful:

  • Brand USP Focus: Keeps the brand’s unique selling proposition at the forefront.
  • Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Promotes creative problem-solving and unexpected connections.
  • Content Versatility: This prompt can be adapted to various content formats (e.g., blog post, social media ad).

Input Variables:

  • Brand Name: The company you’re creating content for.
  • Brand USP: What sets this brand apart from competitors? (e.g., innovative features, eco-friendly practices).
  • Unexpected Scenario: Choose a scenario outside the brand’s typical domain to spark imaginative solutions.

2. Social Media Trend + Brand Twist:

  • Prompt: A hot social media trend right now is [Insert Trend (e.g., #ThrowbackThursday, food challenges)]. How can [Brand Name] creatively participate in this trend while showcasing their products/services in a fun and engaging way?

Why it’s powerful:

  • Trendjacking: Leverages existing trends for increased visibility.
  • Brand Integration: Seamlessly connects the trend to the brand’s offerings.
  • Audience Engagement: Offers an interactive way to connect with potential customers.

Input Variables:

  • Brand Name: The company you’re creating content for.
  • Social Media Trend: A popular hashtag or challenge currently circulating on social media.

3. Customer Review Remix:

  • Prompt: Take a recent positive customer review for [Brand Name] that mentions a specific benefit (e.g., “This product saved me so much time!”). Rewrite the review as a catchy social media post or short video testimonial, highlighting the benefit in a unique and engaging way.

Why it’s powerful:

  • Social Proof: Utilizes authentic customer experiences to build trust.
  • Content Repurposing: Extracts value from existing content (reviews) and creates fresh content.
  • Multiple Format Potential: This prompt can be adapted to various short-form content types.

Input Variables:

  • Brand Name: The company you’re creating content for.
  • Customer Review: Find a recent positive review for the brand that highlights a specific benefit.

By using these prompts with a dash of creativity, you can quickly generate compelling content ideas for brands, even with limited information. Remember, the key is to think outside the box and connect the brand’s strengths with unexpected scenarios or existing trends.

These improvisation prompts help you practice quick thinking and crafting concise messages that resonate with your target audience in different scenarios.

Nischala Agnihotri

All these prompts can be further customized for your brand using a step-by-step methodology and application of stacked prompts with chain of thought prompts.

Join the next LIVE Working Session in action and gain hands-on experience.

🎯 I’ve created this article using Think Code OS. It can create 300+ authentic content ideas for your brand in 3 hours. It generates human-like content using ChatGPT, Gemini, other AI writing tools and the Story Scientist framework. Book some time to clarify your questions.


What is Writer’s Block?

It is a mental state preceded by a condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing. This is not hallucination. It has neurological and psychological explanations.

Why does Writer’s Block occur?

Writer’s block can be frustrating, but understanding the brain’s role in writing can shed light on why it occurs. Language processing primarily happens in the left frontal lobe, specifically an area called Broca’s area, which is responsible for turning thoughts into words. Studies using brain imaging techniques have shown increased activity in this region when people engage in creative writing. This suggests that writer’s block might be a sign of your brain struggling to make connections and generate creative ideas, hindering the flow of words to the page.

Writer’s block can also be influenced by psychological factors. External elements like environment, mood, and stress levels can significantly impact your ability to write. Finding strategies to manage these factors and spark creativity can be key to overcoming writer’s block. Whether it’s listening to music, reading for inspiration, or simply chatting with a friend, anything that gets your creative juices flowing can help you break through the block and get back to writing.


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How can Think Code OS bail you from Writer’s Block?

Circumstances do not always support your intentions. If you have to create content at scale for your brand, then you can leave it to the mercy of the brain to “I can write now.” You need a partner, a coach who can think on your behalf when your brain stops. That’s when a tested and researched system like Think Code OS can help you with great ideas.

I can help you learn and implement Think Code OS for yourself across a 12-hour LIVE Working Session with you across a virtual meeting setup.

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